
Help topic: Query prefix and Definition:

Query prefix


Sample query

PA Patent Number PA:239260
AN Application Number AN:3113/CHENP/2009
GD Grant Year GD:2010
PD Publication Year PD:2010
TL Title TL:polymer
ABS Abstract ABS:detergent
INV Inventor INV:Robert
DVN Divisional Number DVN:738/MUMNP/2004
APL Applicant APL:Honeywell
CL Claims CL:water
FT Specification FT:image
FDF Filing Date (YYYYMMDD) FDF:20061120
GDF Grant Date (YYYYMMDD) GDF:20120817
PDF Publication Date (YYYYMMDD) PDF:20120210
PRF Priority Date (YYYYMMDD) PRF:20080609
PRN Priority Number PRC:US
PN International Pub. No. AN:WO/2004/094441
AGT Agents Name search AGT:sharma
FML Family Patent search FML:EP1789852A2
TAC Search for Title, Abstract & Claims together TAC:endosulfan
CHM :Y Refine results having chemical structures paracetamol AND CHM:Y
CHM:N Refine results not having chemical structures paracetamol AND CHM:N
SEQ:Y Refine results having sequences protein AND SEQ:Y
SEQ:N Refine results not having sequences protein AND SEQ:N

Sample Queries:
Expert Search
mobile && charger && energy
vehicle || car || automobile
A61K || C07D || C11D

Wild card search
ABS:Nano* AND ABS:Polymer*

Phrase Search:
information storage medium
APL:"Hindustan Unilever Limited"
"fabric treatment composition"
Boolean search
APL:Dupont AND TL:Polymers NOT GD:2007
Liquid AND detergent NOT soap
(toothpaste OR Dentifrice) NOT mouthwash

Proximity search:
"liquid detergent"~2


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1. What is MCPaIRSTM?

MCPaIRSTM is Expertly Curated, Fully Searchable, Value Added Knowledgebase of Full Text Indian Granted Patents and Published Applications.

2. Who can use MCPaIRS database?

MCPaIRS caters to a diversified user-base of bench Scientists, Engineers, R & D Managers & Business Professionals.

3. How can I get access to MCPaIRS database?

Please use the sign up link to register for MCPaIRS database.

4. How often MCPaIRS updates its data?

MCPaIRS updated every seven days.

5. How do I do a search in MCPaIRS?

MCPaIRS offers you different methods for searching. The simplest search is done from the Expert Search box on the MCPaIRS homepage. On the Expert Search box, you can search by key-words, phrases, Boolean Operators, or wild card searches. More complex searches also can be performed using the desired field prefixes.

Field prefixes for Quick search:

Query prefix Definition Sample query
PA Patent Number PA:239260
AN Application Number AN:1276/CHENP/2004
GD Grant Year GD:2010
PD Publication Year PD:2010
TL Title TL:polymer
ABS Abstract ABS:detergent
INV Inventor INV:Robert
DVN Divisional Number DVN:738/MUMNP/2004
APL Applicant APL:Honeywell
CL Claims CL:water
FT Specification FT:image
FDF Filing Date FDF:20061120 (YYYYMMDD)
GDF Grant Date GDF:20120817 (YYYYMMDD)
PDF Publication Date PDF:20120210 (YYYYMMDD)
PRF Priority Date PRF:20080609 (YYYYMMDD)
PRN Priority Number PRN:12157295
PRC Priority Country PRC:US
PN International Pub. No. PN:WO/2004/094441
AGT Agents Name search AGT:sharma
FML Family Patent search FML:EP1789852A2
TAC Search for Title, Abstract & Claims together TAC:endosulfan
CHM :Y Refine results having chemical structures paracetamol AND CHM:Y
CHM:N Refine results not having chemical structures paracetamol AND CHM:N
SEQ:Y Refine results having sequences protein AND SEQ:Y
SEQ:N Refine results not having sequences protein AND SEQ:N
Quick Search offers you numerous options for making your searches more precise and getting more useful results.

6. How can I view the details of a specific patent?

From your MCPaIRS result page, click the linked Title to display that patent's Full View. This unique view, exclusive to MCPaIRS, presents all the information relevant to a particular patent in one document.

7. How do I view patent images?

You can see a thumbnail view of the front page image or representative drawing for each of your patents right from your full text view page. To see all drawings, click on the Thumbnail drawing and download all drawings. Patent images can also be accessed from the PDF download of the full text.

8. What is My MCPaIRS?

In My MCPaIRS page, user can see all recent searches/queries run in MCPaIRS database. This page will allow user to save or delete searches.
In My MCPaIRS page, user can also see all save queries. This page will allow user to merge multiple save queries to generate a new set of results.

9. What is SnapView page?

  • a. Top 10 inventors
  • b. Top 10 IPC codes
  • c. Filing trend of applications/grants (time line graph)

10. How do I use the Boolean search for Expert search?

Boolean operators AND, OR, or NOT help to define the relationship between your search fields.
Eg: Liquid AND detergent NOT soap

11. How do I use Proximity search?

Proximity operators allow you to locate one word within a certain distance of another. The symbol used for proximity operator is ~n, where ‘n’ is the distance.
Eg: : "liquid detergent"~2

12. How do I use wild card search?

Wild card operator * can be used for searches.
Eg: Nano* AND Polymer*

13. How do I use phrase search?

Key word phrases can be searched using phrase search option.
Eg: "fabric treatment composition"

14. Can I do patent Patent Family search MCPaIRS?

Query prefix FML can be used of patent family search
Eg: FML:EP1789852A2”