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Innovative Project of the Month
MCPaIRS TM Newsletter
Innovative Project of the Month
β Coronavirus
Objective: The objective of the landscape study was carried out to find treatment,
diagnosis methods patented for β Coronavirus genus to which COVID-19
Data source: Multiple free and commercial Patent databases
Nature of data: Treatment methods – Chemical compounds, biological compounds,
natural products, vaccine, antibodies, peptides, gene therapy &
diagnosis methods for COVID – 19
Skills: Analyst skilled in Biotechnology, Virology
Insights delivered:
Covid-19 is the most lethal Coronavirus infection ever recorded with a
mortality rate around 2-4% but high rates of transmission
Patent filling trends indicates efforts in finding new therapy and diagnosis
need to be scaled up, and sustained research is the need of the hour
As seen in case of SARS and MERS in the past, the patent application filing
up surged by almost 1000%. A similar increasing filing trend is expected in
the case of COVID-19 in next couple of months
China has invested significant efforts in therapy and diagnosis of CoV &
three out of top five assignees are from China
For further details about COVID – 19 visit our website